The best way to structure your studies actually leaves you studying for less time whilst being more effective.
The structure and scheduling technique I followed during my Oxford University career (and to learn Japanese, computer coding, and much more) takes advantage of a killer psychological principle known as the primacy and recency effect.
I discuss it all in this video below and even show you a sample study schedule template that you can use for your own studies.
How To Structure Your Studies + Sample Schedule
This video is actually part of a bigger free video course I’m putting together on effective study techniques.
I was frustrated by the fact that educational institutions put almost no emphasis on how to learn. All you need is a few hours spent learning the most effective approach to studying and it will pay off dividends for the rest of your life.
I’m still currently in the editing stage for this video course (nearing completion), so if there’s anything you’d like to see in it, feel free to put some questions to me for the Q&A section.
And please check out my first video course if you’re writing your personal statement: